


(영한대역)기사,읽을거리자료(English to Korean Articles, Reading Materials)

Famine devastated North’s rice basket in 2012/ 핵실험 위협 北, 다른 한편에선… 충격적/ 2013-02-08
Famine devastated North’s rice basket in 2012 핵실험 위협 北, 다른 한편에선… '충격적' Feb 08,2013 A famine in...

Cold wave continues and gets worse today(한파 계속 오늘은 더 심해)/ 폐부 찢을 듯한 2월 한파… 대체 왜?/ 2013-02-08
Cold wave continues and gets worse today '폐부 찢을 듯한' 2월 한파… 대체 왜? Feb 08,2013 Commuters try to main...

North says dialogue is still possible with South(북, 남과의 대화는 아직 가능하다고 밝혀)/ 朴정부에 이상야릇한 신호 보내온 北/ 2013-02-08
North says dialogue is still possible with South 朴정부에 이상야릇한 신호 보내온 北 Feb 08,2013 A mouthpiece of North Kor...

Bipartisan meeting on test threat(여야당 북핵실험 위협에 관한 회의, 文과 전격회동 朴 그 말 외에는… 입단속 당부, 왜?)/ Park and party bosses tell Pyongyang a nuke test will sink trust-building/ 2013-02-08
Bipartisan meeting on test threat/ Park and party bosses tell Pyongyang a nuke test will sink trust-building 文과 전격회동 朴 “그 말 외에는…”입단속 당...

김정은은 ‘허수아비’, 北 실질 권력자는 바로…/ 2012-01-25
김정은은 ‘허수아비’, 北 실질 권력자는 바로… North Korea is in danger of collapse and the country's current leader wields lit...

박 대통령, 미 상하원 의회 합동 연설문/ 영한 대역/ 2013-05-08
박 대통령의 미 상-하 양원 합동 연설문 전문. Speaker Boehner, Vice President Biden, distinguished members of the House and the Senate...

3,467 Joseon books found in a Japanese library(日사립도서관서 조선시대 고전 3467책 발견0/ 2018-01-10
3,467 Joseon books found in a Japanese library(日사립도서관서 조선시대 고전 3467책 발견) 3,467 Joseon books found in a Japanese li...

SsangYong Motor launches new model ‘Rexton Sports’(쌍용차, 벌써 새해 2번째 신차... ‘렉스턴 스포츠’ 출시)/ 2018-01-10
SsangYong Motor launches new model ‘Rexton Sports’(쌍용차, 벌써 새해 2번째 신차... ‘렉스턴 스포츠’ 출시) SsangYong Motor lau...

Imjingak’s skywalk visited by 200,000 people in a year(임진각 ‘내일의 기적소리’ 1년간 20만명 방문)/ 2018-01-10
Imjingak’s skywalk visited by 200,000 people in a year(임진각 ‘내일의 기적소리’ 1년간 20만명 방문) Imjingak’s skywalk visited ...

Evacuation capital of Korea(피란수도 부산)/ 2018-01-10
Evacuation capital of Korea(피란수도 부산) In the days of evacuation during the Korean War, Lee Jung-seob lived alone in Busan awa...

N. Korea should break out of isolation with Olympics(北대규모 평창 방문, 국제적 고립 탈출의 출구)/ 2018-01-10(
N. Korea should break out of isolation with Olympics(北대규모 평창 방문, 국제적 고립 탈출의 출구) At a high-level meeting held at ...

Tuesday’s dialogue may decide future of inter-Korean relations(‘평창 넘어 북핵’ 8일 판문점에 달렸다)/ 2018-01-08
Tuesday’s dialogue may decide future of inter-Korean relations(‘평창 넘어 북핵’ 8일 판문점에 달렸다) Tuesday’s dialogue may ...

Nagoya becomes the cradle of Japanese figure skating(스피드스케이팅 고다이라)/ 2018-01-09
Nagoya becomes the cradle of Japanese figure skating(스피드스케이팅 고다이라) Nagoya becomes the cradle of Japanese figure skatin...

El Nino hastens the melting of Antarctic ice shelves(남극빙하도 녹는다)/ 2018-01-09
El Nino hastens the melting of Antarctic ice shelves(남극빙하도 녹는다) Experts have found that El Nino, which is characterized ...

LG Electronics surpasses 60 trillion won in sales for 1st time(프리미엄TV의 힘... LG전자, 년매출 사상 첫 60조원 돌파)/ 2018-01-09
LG Electronics surpasses 60 trillion won in sales for 1st time(프리미엄TV의 힘... LG전자, 년매출 사상 첫 60조원 돌파) LG Electroni...

N. Korean Olympic delegation to use a land route of Mt. Kumgang(北 평창대표단, 금강산 육로 이용 결정)/ 2018-01-09
N. Korean Olympic delegation to use a land route of Mt. Kumgang(北 평창대표단, 금강산 육로 이용 결정) At inter-Korean talks on T...

Viewers around the world to experience first ‘VR Olympics’(전세계 220개국 시청자, 사상 첫 ‘VR 올림픽’ 체험)/ 2018-01-10
Viewers around the world to experience first ‘VR Olympics’(전세계 220개국 시청자, 사상 첫 ‘VR 올림픽’ 체험) Viewers a...

Japan protests Korea’s announcement on ‘comfort women’ deal(日 “추가조치 불가… 즉각 항의하겠다”)/ 2018-01-10
Japan protests Korea’s announcement on ‘comfort women’ deal(日 “추가조치 불가… 즉각 항의하겠다”)/ 2018-01-10 It se...

The Great Goryeo exhibit celebrating 1,100 years of foundation(고려 1100년, 남북 ‘대고려전’)/ 2018-01-11
The Great Goryeo exhibit celebrating 1,100 years of foundation(고려 1100년, 남북 ‘대고려전’) The uniqueness and beauty of the ...

Inter-Korean relationship can be improved only when nuclear issues are resolved(문 “북핵 해결돼야 남북개선”...군사회담서 실천해야)/ 2018-01-11
Inter-Korean relationship can be improved only when nuclear issues are resolved(문 “북핵 해결돼야 남북개선”...군사회담서 실천해야)