


(영어)성경공부자료(English Bible Study Materials)

Tower of Babel(바벨탑)/Genisis 11:1-9(창11:1-9)
Tower of Babel Genisis 11:1-9 NIV The LORD said, let Us go down there and confuse their language so that they ma...

God’s Covenant With Noah(하나님과 노아의 언약)/ Genesis 9:12-16(창9:12-16)
God’s Covenant With Noah 9 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. 2 The fear and dread...

The Flood(홍수)/Genesis 6 - 8(창6: - 창8: )
The Flood Genesis 6 - 8 NIV Across: 2. It was 150 days before the ark came to rest on Mount _________....

Cain and Abel(가인과 아벨)/Genesis 4:1-26(창4:1-26)
Cain and Abel Genesis 4:1-26 Down: 2. Cain was a ___________. He raised crops. 3. God showe...

The Serpent’s Lie(뱀의 거짓말)/Genesis 3:1-15(창3:1-15)/영어 설교 보기92 그림 참조
The Serpent’s Lie Genesis 3:1-15 NIV Use the words from the Word list to fill in the blanks in the story.

The Creative Days(창조하신 6일간)/ Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-2(창1:1-31, 창2:1-2)/ 영어설교/ 2015-03-23
The Creative Days Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-2 “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” The b...

The Story Of God's Book Part 2(하나님의 책 이야기 제2부)
The Story Of God's Book Part 2 THE story, "The World's Most Wonderful Baby," and all our stories which f...

John Sees Trees Of Life (생명나무들을 본 요한)/ Revelations 22:2(계22:2)
John Sees Trees Of Life Revelations 22:2(계22:2) IN THE second story of this book, called ”At Home in a Garden...

From Jerusalem To Rome(예루살렘에서 로마로)/행23:11
From Jerusalem To Rome PAUL was a faithful servant of God, and a true disciple of Jesus. He traveled from place to pla...

Paul Preaches On Mars’ Hill(아레오바고 언덕에서 설교하는 바울)/ Acts 17:22(행17:22)
Paul Preaches On Mars’ Hill(아레오바고 언덕에서 설교하는 바울) Acts 17:22(행17:22) AFTER Saul of Tarsus became one of Jesus\&...

Peter's Strange Dream(베드로의 이상한 꿈)/행10:9-
PETER'S STRANGE DREAM GOD loved Peter because he tried so very hard to do everything God wanted him to do. Peter ...

A Parisee Changes His Mind(개종한 한 바리새인)/행22:7
A PHARISEE CHANGES HIS MIND HAVE already told you about the scribes and Pharisees. They were the religious rulers of t...

A Young Believer Stoned(돌에 맞아 순교한 젊은 집사)/행7:59
A YOUNG BELIEVER STONED MORE and more of the Israelites believed that Jesus was the One whom God had sent to make all ...

The Sin of Lying(거짓말한 죄)/행5:1
The Sin of Lying WHAT do you think should be done with a man and his wife who told a lie to one of Jesus' discipl...

A Lame Man Made Well (고침 받은 앉은뱅이)/행3:6
A Lame Man Made Well PETER was a good man! He was always ready to do what God wanted him to do. A short time after th...

God's Power Comes(하나님의 능력이 임하리라)/행1:8
GOD'S POWER COMES JUST before Jesus left his apostles and returned to his heavenly home, he told them to wait at ...

The Great Victory (위대한 승리)/마28:6
The Great Victory PAUL was a faithful servant of God, and a true disciple of Jesus. He traveled from place to place te...

The Lamb of God(하나님의 어린 양)
THE LAMB OF GOD THE Bible tells us that the Prophet John, who baptized Jesus in the river Jordan, was the forerunner o...

The Mighty Works of Jesus(예수님의 놀라운 사역)
The Mighty Works of Jesus WONDER if you have ever seen a blind man? If you see a blind man trying to walk across the ...

Jesus wouldn't do wrong(예수님은 옳지 않은 일을 하지 않으려고 하셨습니다)
Jesus wouldn't do wrong JESUS always did what God wanted him to do! Satan the devil tried to make Jesus do thing...