


(영한대역)기도문 자료(English to Korean Prayers Materials)

신뢰와 확신(Trust and faith in God )의 기도
Trust and faith in God We fear our Lord. We serve our Lord. We serve the Lord with fear. O Lord, ...

Opening Prayer(영어 기도 시작하는 말)
Opening Prayer(영어 기도 시작하는 말) Our heavenly Father Our Father in heaeven 하늘에 계신 우리 아버지

영어 기도문
영어 기도문 Let me have my faith in thine 믿음을 가지게 하옵소서 Let me assurance ...

영어로 기도하기
영어로 기도하기 Let me have my faith in thine 믿음을 가지게 하옵소서 Let me assura...

영어로 기도하기(아침 기도)
영어로 기도하기(아침 기도) Our Father, into Your strong hands we commend today. Our so...

영어 기도문(Catholic)
The Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. ...

Jesus, I trust in You.(예수님, 저희는 당신을 의뢰하나이다.)
Jesus, I trust in You. 예수님, 저희는 당신을 의뢰하나이다. Eternal Father, I offer Y...

Hevenly Father!(하늘 아버지시여!)
Hevenly Father, 하늘 아버지시여, Thank you very much for giving this Holy day and worshiping you. 거룩한 주일에 주님께 예배 드리게 ...

Loving God! (사랑하는 하나님!)
Loving God, 사랑하는 하나님, Thank you, God for blessing us and living in your love. 하나님께서 우리를 축복하시고 당신의 사랑 안에 거...

Heavenly Father! (하늘 아버지시여!)
Heavenly Father, 하늘 아버지시여, Thank you for making us worship you altogether and giving us Holy day. 거룩한 주일에 우리 모두 함께...

Marriage Prayer (결혼 기도)
Marriage Prayer (결혼 기도) Lord, help us to remember the time we first met and the strong love that grew between us. ...

예배를 위한 영어 기도문
예배를 위한 영어 기도문 Lord our God, we praise You, for you are great and strong. 위대하고 강하신 우리 주 하나...

Prayer of Benediction(축도)
Prayer of Benediction The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up ...

Prayer for Church Service(교회 예배 시의 기도)
Prayer for Church Service Our Lord, we are gathered here in Your Name to worship You. We ask that Your Holy Spirit anoint this service with...

Prayer for the Sick(병자를 위한 기도)
Prayer for the Sick Heavenly Father, You invited us to call on You in time of need. Now before You are the sick, in need of healing. In Jes...

Prayer for Offering(헌금 기도)
Prayer for Offering Father, we bring our tithes and offerings before You now. You have seen some sacrifice, and some give out of plenty. Bl...

Prayer for Our Country (우리 나라를 위한 기도 )
Prayer for Our Country Almighty God, You have given us this good land for our heritage. We ask that we may always be a people mindful of Yo...

General Supplication(일반적인 간구의 기도)
General Supplication Almighty God, You once promised, “Where two or three are gathered in my Name, I will be in the midst of them”.

Prayer for Repentance(회개의 기도)
Prayer for Repentance Almighty God, You are the Maker of all things and the Judge of all men. I now confess my many sins to You.

Prayer for mother(어머니를 위한 기도)
Prayer for mother Lord, You have known a mother’s love and tender care. I now pray for my Mother. Protect her life, an...