


w주제별 예화

WINNING Suffering from terminal spinal cancer at the age or 47, former North Carolina State basketball coach Jim Valvano spoke with a reporter earlier thi...

WISDOM Experience comes from what we have done. Wisdom comes from what we have done badly. Theodore Levitt, Harvard Business School.

WISH Three men who were marooned on a desert island. As the days slowly went by, they dreamed of what it would be like to be at home with their friends an...

WITNESSING (see also EVANGELISM) Washington -- Graffiti from the 1800s discovered by workers renovating the Washington Monument has quite a differen...

WITNESSING, fear of In preparing for this book, I have talked to a lot of people, and the fear issue comes up front again and again. What makes people hes...

WOMEN An interview with Actress Jodie Foster from Women.com Women.com: Back to the topic of leadership, what else can we be doing to promote ...

WOMEN AND MEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Average times per month a woman cries: ...

WORDS(말씀)/Matthew 12:37(마12:37)
WORDS Matthew 12:37 In order to uncover the processes that destroy unions, marital researchers study couples over...

WORK(일)/Exodus 1:14(출1:14)
WORK Exodus 1:14 \"The hardest thing about milking cows,\" observed a farmer, \" is that they never stay milked.\...

Workable(실행 가능한)/Proverbs 14:23(잠14:23)
Workable(실행 가능한) Proverbs 14:23(잠14:23) Dr. J.B. Gambrel tells an amusing story from General Stonewall Jackson\\\'s ...

WORKAHOLIC(일 중독)/Romans 16:12(롬16:12)
WORKAHOLIC Romans 16:12 Dear Ann Landers: Americans have placed too much importance on material wealth and \"gett...

WORKS, RIGHTEOUSNESS(의로운 사역)/Matthew 10:41(마10:41)
WORKS, RIGHTEOUSNESS Matthew 10:41 The citizens of Feldkirch, Austria, didn\'t know what to do. Napoleon\�...

WORLD(세상)/John 1:10(요1:10)
WORLD John 1:10 A scuba diver lives in the water but breathes the air--he takes his environment with him. ...

WORLDLINESS(세상적인 것)/1 Corinthians 3:31(고전3:3)
WORLDLINESS 1 Corinthians 3:3 The Bible defines worldliness by centering morality where we intuitively know it sh...

WORLD VIEW(세상 견해)/Proverbs 5:21(잠5:21)
WORLD VIEW Proverbs 5:21 James Engel summarized the belief system and the presuppositions that commonly prevail a...

WORRY(걱정)/Matthew 6:34(마6:34)
WORRY (see also ANXIETY) Matthew 6:34 Worry is fear\'s extravagance. It extracts interest on trouble b...

WORSHIP(예배)/Deuteronomy 12:4(신12:4)
WORSHIP Deuteronomy 12:4 What is worship? Worship is to feel in your heart and express in some appropriate manner...

WORSHIP SHAPES LIFE(예배가 인생을 형성한다)/Nehemiah 9:6(느9:6)
WORSHIP SHAPES LIFE Nehemiah 9:6 James Michener, writing in his book, The Source, tells the story of a man named ...

WORTH(값어치)/Matthew 10:31(마10:31)
WORTH Matthew 10:31 The greatest obstacle to being handicapped--or challenged, or disabled or whatever label we m...

WRATH(분노)/Romans 9:22(롬9:22)
WRATH Romans 9:22 It is clear that when we think of the word \"wrath\" as applicable to God, it must be divested ...