


A성씨 목사설교(A Family Name Pastor Sermons)

Jesus and John the Baptist/ Matthew 3:1-3:17/ Rev. Mark Aarssen/ New St. Andrews Reformed Presbyterian Church/ 2010-01-10
Jesus and John the Baptist Matthew 3:1-3:17 This week we look to Jesus and John the Baptist. We know from scripture that John w...

The Living Classroom(살아 있는 교실)/ Luke 2:42-51(눅2:42-51)/ Rev. Mark Aarssen/ New St. Andrews Presbyterian Church/ 2010-01-01
The Living Classroom Luke 2:42-51 For the last couple of weeks we have been looking at Jesus early years. Today I want to move ...

Jesus from Baby to Boy(예수님의 어린 시절)/ Matthew 2:13-2:15(마2:13-15)/ Rev. Mark Aarssen/ New St. Andrews Presbyterian Church/ 2010-01-01
Jesus from Baby to Boy Matthew 2:13-2:15 Many people are fascinated with the life of Jesus but say there is a lack of informati...

Mourning for Haiti(아이티를 위한 비탄)/ Psalm 23:1-6(시20:1-6)/ Rev. Mark Aarssen/ New St. Andrews Presbyterian Church/ 2010-01-01
Mourning for Haiti Psalm 23:1-6 On January 12, 2010, at 4:53 pm Eastern Standard Time Haiti was struck by a magnitude 7.0 earth...

Attempts to Bury the Truth(진실을 묻어 두려는 시도)/ Matthew 2:6-2:18(마2:6-18)/ Rev. Mark Aarssen/ New St. Andrews Presbyterian Church/ 2010-01-01
Attempts to Bury the Truth Matthew 2:6-18 NIV This past week in Canada we have seen our National Government decide to prorogue ...

Looking to 2010(2010년을 바라보며)/ Mark 11:1-11(막11:1-11)/ Rev. Mark Aarssen/ New St. Andrews Presbyterian Church/ 2009-12-21
Looking to 2010 Mark 11:1-11 Happy New Year! 2010, just writing the date reminds us of how quickly time is marching forward. We...

One More Year(1년만 더)/ Luke 13:1-9(눅13:1-9)/ Rev. Mark Aarssen/ New St. Andrews Presbyterian Church/ 2009-12-01
One More Year Luke 13:1-9 Hear we are at that awkward in-between place where Christmas is past and the New Year l...

Joy made Song(기쁨이 찬송을 부르게 했다)/ The Virgin’s Joy(동정녀 마리아의 기쁨)/ Luke 1:26-56(눅1:26-56)/ Rev. Mark Aarssen/ New St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
Joy made Song/The Virgin’s Joy Luke 1:26-56 During the Christmas season how, why, when, where and to whom we exp...

To God Be the Glory(하나님께 영광을)/ 1 Corinthians 12:14-27(고전12:14-27)/ Rev. Mark Aarssen/ New St. Andrews Presbyterian Church/ 2009-09-01
To God Be the Glory 1 Corinthians 12:14-27 Everyone has there place and there is a place and purpose for everyone in the church...