



God′s Power Seen in Mothers/ Genesis 3:1-15/ 2017-05-08(어머니에게 보이는 하나님의 능력/ 창3:1-15/ 어버이주일설교/ 2017-05-08
God's Power Seen in Mothers Genesis 3:1-15 A teacher had just given her class a lesson on magnets. in a follow-up test one of the questions which she asked r...

A Beautiful Success(아름다운 성공)/ Genesis 45:1-15(창45:1-15)/ 2006-11-20
A Beautiful Success(아름다운 성공) Genesis 45:1-15(창45:1-15) A BEAUTIFUL SUCCESS Genesis 45: 1-15 An ex...

The Godly Portrait of Marriage(1)(결혼의 신성한 초상(1))/ Celebrate The Difference(서로 다른 것을 찬양하라)/ Genesis 2:18-25(창2:18-25)/ 2015-02-12
The Godly Portrait of Marriage(1)(결혼의 신성한 초상(1))/ Celebrate The Difference(서로 다른 것을 찬양하라) Genesis 2:18-25(창2:18-25)

Foreign life of Abraham/Gen 12:1-9 2002-07-23 11:35:19 read : 49 내용넓게보기. 프린트하기 Foreign life of Abraham Let me ask you a question. "Have you come here Canada because God told you to go ? Or have you come here because someone told you to go, or beca
Foreign life of Abraham/Gen 12:1-9 2002-07-23 11:35:19 read : 49 내용넓게보기. 프린트하기 Foreign life of Abraham Let me as...

Getting Out of Sodom!/창14:12-28 2002-08-06 10:46:28 read : 201 내용넓게보기. 프린트하기 I once heard a minister tell an audience, "The Old Testament isn't relevant to our times. There isn't any need to study it anymore." How wrong he was! One reas
Getting Out of Sodom!/창14:12-28 2002-08-06 10:46:28 read : 201 내용넓게보기. 프린트하기 I once heard a minister tell an a...