영한대역설교(English to Korean Sermons)
- Who is Jesus ? Matthew (예수님은 누구신가 ?" )16:13-19
- Who is Jesus ? Matthew (예수님은 누구신가 ?" )16:13-19
http://mission.bz/7315Aqeel Khan 2007.03.27 조회 : 96
Dear brothers and sisters, las...
- Reconnecting with Divine Power of Silenc... 1 Samuel 3:1-10
- Reconnecting with Divine Power of Silenc... 1 Samuel 3:1-10
http://mission.bz/7318I want to talk with you this evening about the power of silence. First, ...
- Sacrificial Love John 15:9-17
- Sacrificial Love John 15:9-17
Sometimes before our sermon starts, I hear little whispers about someone thinkin...
- Connecting Visions With God’s Character(하나님의 성품에 우리의 환상을 연결시키기)/ Exodus 3:1-10(출3:1-10)
- Connecting Visions With God’s Character Exodus 3:1-10
Today we will focus on God’s character. We can get an i...
- The Unexplained Power of Healing(설명할 수 없는 치유의 능력)/ Mark 2:1-5(막2:1-5)
- The Unexplained Power of Healing Mark 2:1-5
http://mission.bz/7321Ms. Gottfried Schmer
When healing takes place, you never forget it. You ...
- Running Away From True Love(진실한 사랑으로부터의 도피)/ Genesis 3:8(창3:8)/ Rev. W. N. B. Appiah/ 영한대역설교/ 2012-04-09
- Running Away From True Love(진실한 사랑으로부터의 도피)
Genesis 3:8(창3:8)
Sermon Theme: Running Away From True Love
- New Year, New Chapter in Life(새해, 인생의 새로운 장)/ Gen 37:3-24(41:41-44)(창37:3-24, 창41:41-44)/ 2017-01-01
- New Year, New Chapter in Life(새해, 인생의 새로운 장)
Gen 37:3-24(41:41-44)(창37:3-24, 창41:41-44)
New Year, New Chapter in Life
- Bartered Birthright(팔린 장자권)/ Gen. 25:23-34(창25:23-34)/ 2017-01-08
- Bartered Birthright(팔린 장자권)
Gen. 25:23-34(창25:23-34)
Text: GEN. 25: 23 - 34(창세기)
23.The L24.When the time c...
- Let′s be His lighthouse!(하나님의 진리 등대)/ Titus 1:10-16 (딛1:10-16)/ 영한대역설교/ 2012-03-23
- Let's be His lighthouse!(하나님의 진리 등대)
Titus 1:10-16 (딛1:10-16)
Text Titus 1:10-16
Title Let's be His lighthouse!
- The Elusive Virtue, Humility/ Luke 18:9-14/ Rev. Carl Rohlfs(Superintendent)/ 2016-10-23(찾아보기 힘든 미덕, 겸손/ 눅18:9-14/ 칼 롤프스 목사(감독)/ 2016-10-23)
- The Elusive Virtue, Humility
Luke 18:9-14
When considering the virtues, there are some which are hard to attain. Perhaps the hardest to maintain is humility...
- 04/30/2023 - First Things [Acts 2:42-47] - Greg Hackett 감리사 Rejoice조회 수 185 추천 수 0 댓글 0?가+-UpDownCommentPrint https://youtu.be/Hr0cAZNF6Ho Acts 2:42-47, “First Things” 첫번째 것들 “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do s
- 04/30/2023 - First Things [Acts 2:42-47] - Greg Hackett 감리사
Rejoice조회 수 185 추천 수 0 댓글 0?가+-UpDownCommentPrint
- God′s Power Seen in Mothers/ Genesis 3:1-15/ 2017-05-08(어머니에게 보이는 하나님의 능력/ 창3:1-15/ 어버이주일설교/ 2017-05-08)
- God's Power Seen in Mothers
Genesis 3:1-15
A teacher had just given her class a lesson on magnets. in a follow-up test one of the questions which she asked r...
- Sticks And Stones(1)/ Proverbs 18:21, Proverbs 16:24, Proverbs 12:25, Matthew 3:17/ Rev. Lance Witt/ 2023-10-16(막대기와 돌(1)/ 잠18:21, 잠16:24, 잠12:25, 마3:17/ 랜스 윗(Lance Witt) 목사/ 2023-10-16)
- Sticks And Stones(1)
Proverbs 18:21, Proverbs 16:24, Proverbs 12:25, Matthew 3:17
(Replenish Ministries
Subject: Our words have incredible power. Both what ...