영한대역설교(English to Korean Sermons)
- The dreamer or a man of faith(꿈꾸는 자 혹은 믿음의 사람)/ Genesis 37:18~20(창37:18-20)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ Incheon Full Gospel Church/ 2009-09-06
- The dreamer or a man of faith
Genesis 37:18~20
Dear friends last Sunday we learned about building the walls of separation, and sa...
- Let′s be a good Christian(좋은 크리스천이 됩시다)/ John 15:8~14(요15:8-14)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ Incheon Full Gospel Church/ 2009-09-20
- Let’s be a good Christian
John 15:8~14
Friends, if I ask how many Christians are here? It looks strange and ridiculous question....
- Being Least(작은 자가 되라)/ Philippians 2:1~11(빌2:1-11)/ 2009-09-25
- Being Least
Philippians 2:1~11
Our destination is glory
우리의 목적은 영광입니다.
Today, I want to talk about the ...
- Tears of Gratitude(감사의 눈물)/ Luke 13:6~7(눅13:6-7)/ 2009-09-29
- Tears of Gratitude
Luke 13:6~7
I heard someone say once, “if you love Jesus and you want to spread his message, then you are
- Let’s Make Mini Heaven(작은 천국을 만듭시다)/ Matthew 18:18~20(마18:18-20)/ 2009-10-01
- Let’s Make Mini Heaven
Matthew 18:18~20
Let me ask you a question. Why, people want to go to heaven go heaven cause ...
- The shortest and meaningful prayer(가장 짧고 의미있는 기도)/ Matthew 14:25~33(마14:25-33)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ Incheon Full Gospel Church/ 2009-10-04
- The shortest and meaningful prayer
Matthew 14:25~33
There are lots of prayers in the Holy Bible. Jabe’s prayer, David’s prayers...
- Let’s Be Shining Lights in Christ(그리스도 안에서 빛나는 빛이 됩시다)/ Ephesians 1:15-19(엡1:15-19)/ 2009-10-30
- Let’s Be Shining Lights in Christ
Ephesians 1:15~19
15For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and...
- Space For One More(또 한 사람을 위한 공간)/ Luke 14:1-6(눅14:1-6)/ 2009-12-02
- Space For One More
Luke 14:1~6
1 One Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, he was being
- The Chaotic Sea(혼돈의 바다)/ Matthew 14:25~33(마14:25-33)/ 2009-11-24
- The Chaotic Sea
Matthew 14:25~33
25 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. 26 And when
- The Cry From the Depths(절망의 구렁텅이에서 외치는 소리)/ Job 23:1-9,16-17(욥23:1-9,16-17)/ 2009-11-20
- The Cry From the Depths
Job 23:1-9,16-17
Then Job replied: ”Even today my complaint is bitter; his hand is heavy in spite of my...
- Let’s Be Shining Lights in Christ(그리스도 안에서 빛나는 빛이 됩시다)/ Ephesians 1:15~19(엡1:15-19)/ 2009-10-30
- Let’s Be Shining Lights in Christ
Ephesians 1:15~19
15For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and...
- Ponder the Possibilities of Living in Christ(그리스도 안에 사는 삶의 가능성에 대한 숙고)/ Luke 19:1-10(눅19-1-10)/ 2009-11-06
- Ponder the Possibilities of Living in Christ
Luke 19:1~1
GUIDE : 오늘은 아주 특별한 시간이 될 것 같습니다. 삭개오의 삶에 대해 혹...
- Joseph: Open to new ways(요셉: 새 길을 열어라!)/ Isaiah 7:10-14(사7:10-14)/ 영한대역설교/ 2009-12-19
- Joseph: Open to new ways(요셉: 새 길을 열어라!)
Isaiah 7:10-14(사7:10-14)
Isaiah 7:10-14
10 Again the LORD spoke to A...
- You’ve Got to serve Somebody(당신은 누군가를 섬겨야 합니다)/ Deuteronomy 5:6~9(신5:6-9)/ 2009-12-23
- You’ve Got to serve Somebody
Deuteronomy 5:6~9
Today we’ll be finishing our series on ‘Thanksgiving, Praise, and Worship’.
- The Roads to Bethlehem and Calvary are One!(베들레헴과 갈보리로 가는 길은 하나!)/ Luke 1:26~38(눅1:26-38)/ 2009-12-25
- The Road to Bethlehem and Calvary are One!
Luke 1:26~38
26 In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in...
- From Curse to Blessing(저주에서 축복으로)(1)/ Gal 3:13~14(갈3:13-14)/ 2010-01-04
- From Curse to Blessing(1)
Gal 3:13~14
Both blessings and curses are major themes of scripture: bless/blessing 430 times; curse 16...
- Repentance Made All the Difference(회개가 모든 변화를 만들었다)/ Matt. 15:21~28(마15:21-28)/ 2010-01-26
- Repentance Made All the Difference
Matt. 15:21~28
Life is a spiritual journey. God has given us the power to choose whether to acc...
- What Causes Blessings and Curses(축복과 저주의 원인)/ Proverbs 26:2(잠26:2)/ 2010-01-22
- What Causes Blessings and Curses
Proverbs 26:2
Last week we looked at what a curse is like: something like a dark shadow the pas...
- Walking the Spiritual Journey Alone(혼자 걷는 영적 여정)/ 1 Corinthians 7:1~3(고전7:1-3)/ 2010-01-11
- Walking the Spiritual Journey Alone
1 Corinthians 7:1~3
1Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry. 2...
- God′s Riches, His Glory and his Mercy(하나님의 부요함, 영광, 그리고 은혜)/ Romans 9:19~23(롬9:19-23)/ 2010-02-01
- God's Riches, His Glory and his Mercy(하나님의 부요함, 영광, 그리고 은혜)
Romans 9:19~23(롬9:19-23)
You will say to me then, \"Wh...