영한대역설교(English to Korean Sermons)
- The Prayer of Release(해방의 기도)/ Galatians 3:13~14(갈3:13-14)/ 2010-02-11
- The Prayer of Release
Galatians 3:13~14
Today is our final message in this series ‘From Curse to Blessings’. If you have a cur...
- Be before do(하기 전에 되십시오)/ Luke 10:22-37(눅10:22-37)/ 2010-02-24
- ‘Be’ before ‘do’
Luke 10:22~37
In our lives, we sometimes misunderstand people, and that leads us to get them wrong or to mak...
- Christians as Shining Lights(세상의 빛 되는 그리스도인들)/ John 1:3(요1:3)/ 2010-03-02
- Christians as Shining Lights(세상의 빛 되는 그리스도인들)
John 1:3(요1:3)
“More light, more light” was the last sentence uttere...
- Wearing Crosses(십자가 지기)/ Mark 8:31-38(막8:31-38)/ 2010-03-08
- Wearing Crosses
Mark 8:31-38
31He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the el...
- Claiming our inheritance(우리의 유산에 대한 주장)/ 2Peter 1:2~4(벧후1:2-4)/ 2010-03-18
- Claiming our inheritance
2Peter 1:2~4
2 Pet 1:2-4 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus ...
- Nature and scope of our redemption through Christ(본성과 그리스도를 통한 구원의 범위)/ Deuteronomy 21:23(신21:23)/ 2010-03-31
- Nature and scope of our redemption through Christ
Deuteronomy 21:23
We know that we have an inheritance (a great fortune) availab...
- My Grandfather’s Cross(할아버지의 십자가)/ Matthew 28:16~20(마28:16-20)/ 2010-04-05
- My Grandfather’s Cross(할아버지의 십자가)
Matthew 28:16~20(마26:16-20)
16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into...
- Passed Over(넘어가셨다 )/ Luke 24:44~49(눅24:44-49)/ 2010-04-08
- Passed Over
Luke 24:44~49
‘Did Jesus really rise from the dead?’ This is a question I asked myself when I was searching for tru...
- Security in an Insecure World(불안정한 세상 속의 안연함)/ Proverbs 1:33(잠1:33)/ 2010-04-21
- Security in an Insecure World
Proverbs 1:33
Whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaste...
- Continue, wrestling don’t give up(씨름을 계속하십시오, 포기하지 마십시오)/ Genesis 32:24~28(창32:24-28)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ Incheon Full Gospel Church/ 2009-10-25
- Continue, wrestling don’t give up
Genesis 32:24~28
Dear friends, let me ask you a question. Do you like wrestling? It’s good to...
- Thanks(감사)/ Colossians 3:15(골3:15)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ Full Gospel Incheon Church/ 2009-11-29
- Thanks
Colossians 3:15
Last Sunday, we learned about to exchange our diseases, problems, pains, sickness, calamities
and d...
- Take up your cross(네 십자가를 지라)/ Luke 9:23~24(눅9:23-24)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ 2010-03-21
- Take up your cross(네 십자가를 지라)
Luke 9:23~24(눅9:23-24)
Full Gospel Incheon Church English Worship Service
Scripture L...
- What we are doing for Jesus?(예수님을 위해 무엇을 하고 있습니까?)/ John 12:1~8(요12:1-8)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ 2010-03-28
- What we are doing for Jesus?
John 12:1~8
Full Gospel Incheon Church English Worship Service
Scripture John 12 : 1 ~ 8 Pasto...
- Here, I want to answer your prayer(내가, 너의 기도에 응답하기 원한다)/ 2 Chronicles 7:14~16(대하7:14-16)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ Incheon Full Gospel Church/ 2009-05-17
- Here, I want to answer your prayer
2 Chronicles 7:14~16
Few days ago my 9 years old son came to me and asked a question. Dad, wha...
- Jesus Christ is our good shepherd(예수 그리스도는 우리의 선한 목자이십니다)/ John 10:7~16(요10:7-16)/ Rev. Peter Chang Gi Jang/ Incheon Full Gospel Church/ 2009-05-31
- Jesus Christ is our good shepherd
John 10:7~16
Many people do not know well who Jesus Christ is.
There are many names about...
- What role, we are doing for Christ?(우리는 그리스도를 위하여 무슨 역할을 하고 있습니까?)/ John 12:1~11(요12:1-11)/ 2009-06-07
- What role, we are doing for Christ?
John 12:1~11
Friends, someone say\'s that life is a alive play. Everyone is playing his or he...
- The potter and the pot(토기장이와 토기)/ Jeremiah 18:1~10(렘18:1-10)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ Incheon Full Gospel Church/ 2009-06-18
- The potter and the pot
Jeremiah 18:1~10
Friends, today I want to share very special and important message.
If you\'ll watc...
- The Cries Of Jesus(예수님의 외침)/ Isaiah 53:3~6(사53:3-6)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ Incheon Full Gospel Church/ 2009-06-21
- The Cries Of Jesus
Isaiah 53:3~6
Dear friends, let me ask you a question. When we talk with someone.
Do we cry or whisper?...
- When we become so small and weak(우리가 작고 약해질 때)/ 2 Chronicles 20:1~13(대하20:1-13)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ Incheon Full Gospel Church/ 2009-06-28
- When we become so small and weak
2 Chronicles 20:1~13
Today\'s title is a little funny. Each one of us want to be a strong and ha...
- The Result Of Prayerlessness(기도하지 않는 결과)/ Psalms 17:1~6(시17:1-6)/ Rev. Aqeel Khan/ Incheon Full Gospel Church/ 2009-07-19
- The Result Of Prayerlessness
Psalms 17:1~6
Friends, I preached many times about the pray. If we will pray with faith.