(영어)기독교관련자료(English Christianity Materials)
- Teenager Nightmares: A Week without Cell Phones(십대들의 악몽: 핸드폰 없는 1주일간)
- Teenager Nightmares: A Week without Cell Phones
The Youth Specialties blog is written by and for youth workers. As some...
- Praise for Our God(우리 하나님을 찬양하라)
- Praise for Our God
God has a wonderful plan that when completed will bring forth from the hearts of all his creation s...
- God Has A Wonderful Plan for You(하나님은 당신을 위한 놀라운 계획을 가지고 계십니다.)
- God Has A Wonderful Plan for You
by the Dawn Bible Students Association
WITH all the scientific knowledge and te...
- Peace, and the Legacy of Jesus ? Perfect Peace(평화, 예수님의 유산:완전한 평화)
- Peace, and the Legacy of Jesus ? Perfect Peace
WHAT NATION today has peace? What nation is at peace with itself? What ...
- The Kindly Yoke(친절한 멍에)
- The Kindly Yoke
"Come to Me, all ye labouring and burdened, and I will refresh you.
Take My yoke upon you and le...
- Jesus the World's Savior(구세주 예수)
- Jesus the World's Savior
by the Dawn Bible Students Association
"Thou shalt call his name Jesus.-
- The Bible Viewed in the Light of Reason(이성의 빛으로 본 성경)
- The Bible Viewed in the Light of Reason
"Joy cometh in the Morning"
by the Chicago Bible Students
The Bibl...
- The Development of the Divine Plan(하나님의 신성한 계획의 발전 단계)
- The Development of the Divine Plan
reprinted from "Joy cometh in the Morning"
published by the Chicago Bible Students
- The Permission of Evil(악마의 허가)
- The Permission of Evil
"Joy cometh in the Morning"
by the Chicago Bible Students
Evil is that which produ...
- When a Man Dies(사람이 죽을 때)
- When a Man Dies
by the Dawn Bible Students Association
There are very few of the teeming millions of mankind w...
- How God Answers Prayer(하나님은 기도에 어떻게 응답하시는가?)
- How God Answers Prayer
by the Dawn Bible Students Association
How can we be sure that God will answer our pray...
- Three Gifts for Hard Times
- Three Gifts for Hard Times
What I've learned as life has taken a turn for what most people think is the worst.
William J. Stuntz | posted 8/28/...
- The Case for Early Marriage
- The Case for Early Marriage
Amid our purity pledges and attempts to make chastity hip, we forgot to teach young Christians how to tie the knot.
- Days Of Elijah(지금은 엘리야 때처럼) 영어 가사
- Days Of Elijah
These are the days of Elijah
Declaring the Word of the Lord
And these are the days of Your s...
- Mark 16(마가복음 16장)/ Scofield(스코필드 역)/ 1917-
- Mark 16(마가복음 16장)/ Scofield Reference Notes (1917 Edition)(스코필드 역)
1 And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and ...
- Mark 16(마가복음 16장)/ John Wesley(요한 웨슬리 역)
- Mark 16(마가복음 16장)/ John Wesley(요한 웨슬리 역)
Verse 1. Matt. xxviii, 1; Luke xxiv, 1; John xx, 1.
Verse 2. At ...
- 2 very common misconceptions about Jezebel (이세벨에 대한 2가지 일반적인 오해)/2Kings 9:30(왕하9:30)
- 2 very common misconceptions about Jezebel (이세벨에 대한 2가지 일반적인 오해)
2Kings 9:30(왕하9:30)
When we t...
- Girls, Gold, Glory/ 2008-09-20
- Girls, Gold, Glory
Brief Prayer Requests
Israeli Elections ? Tomorrow are to be primaries for the Kadima ...
- God Bless You at Christmas/ 2016-12-25
- God Bless You at Christmas
The Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles
1329 South Hope Street, L.A. Civic Center
Dr. R. L. Hyme...
- You raise me up/ 2017-12-12
- You raise me up
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then, ...