


(영어)성경공부자료(English Bible Study Materials)

God Delivers His People(자기 백성을 구원하시는 하나님)
God Delivers His People IN THE very first story of this book we learned about God—how wise ...

God Speaks to Moses(모세와 말씀하시는 하나님)
God Speaks to Moses PERHAPS you are wondering how the little boy Moses got along after the king's daughte...

Little Boy in an Ark(갈대 상자 속의 작은 소년)
Little Boy in an Ark DO YOU remember the story of Noah and the big boat on the dry land? Noah built that big boat beca...

When Dreams Come True(꿈이 이루어질 때)
When Dreams Come True YES, Pharaoh's dreams came true, just as Joseph had explained them. There was a great famin...

A Slave Becomes Ruler(통치자가 된 노예)
A Slave Becomes Ruler JOSEPH, that lovely boy who was so truly loved by his father, Jacob, was now in Egypt. It...

A Boy Who Dreamed (꿈을 꾼 소년)
A Boy Who Dreamed BOYS and girls, and almost everybody else, have dreams. Most dreams are not important. Whether our ...

Rebekah's Twin Boys(리브가의 쌍둥이 아들들)
Rebekah's Twin Boys THERE have always been twins and triplets in the world, and sometimes there have been quadrup...

A Bride is Chosen (선택된 신부)
A Bride is Chosen MOST boys and girls get married when they grow up to be men and women. It has always been that way,...

Abraham, the Friend of God (하나님의 친구, 아브라함)
Abraham, the Friend of God ISN'T it a wonderful thing to have friends? And the very best friends that any of us ...

The Tower of Babel (바벨탑)
The Tower of Babel IF YOU should be out playing some day, and a little boy should come along and say to you, "Vatten,...

The First Shipbuilder(최초로 배를 만든 사람)
The First Shipbuilder WHAT would you think of a man who built a great big boat right in the middle of a field where t...

The First Two Brothers (최초의 두 형제)
The First Two Brothers CAN you imagine what it must have been like when there were only two boys in the whole world? ...

Children's Bible Stories(어린이들의 성경 이야기)/ Old Testament Stories/ 1. At Home in a Garden(낙원에서의 평안)
OLD TESTAMENT STORIES At Home in a Garden YEARS and years and years ago there was just one person in the whole wide world. He...

영어성경공부 자료/1. The Garden of Eden(에덴 동산)~19. The Lion's Den(사자굴)
영어성경공부 자료/1. The Garden of Eden(에덴 동산)~19. The Lion's Den(사자굴) 1. The Garden of Eden. (Genesis 1~3...

Top Bible Verses 200(성경 구절 200선) (2)
Top Bible Verses 200(성경 구절 200선) (2) 129. Genesis 1:3 ------------------------- And God s...

Top Bible Verses 200(성경 구절 200선) (1)
Top Bible Verses 200(성경 구절 200선) (1) (교재에 있는 성경구절을 큰소리로 외치시오) 1. John 3:16 ---...

English Memory Verses
Who Is Jesus Christ? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 Who Is Jesus Christ? Simon Peter answered, “You a...

Memory Verses
Memory Verses Week 2 [John 1:1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [Matthew 16:16] Simon Peter answered, "You are t...

Beginning the One‐to‐One Discipleship Training
Beginning the One‐to‐One Discipleship Training We first want to let you know that you have made a wonderful decision to take part in the “one‐to‐one disc...