


c주제별 예화

CRYING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistics and Stuff Average times per m...

CULTS (이단들)
CULTS No illustrations yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistics a...

CULTURE In his 1983 acceptance speech for the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, [Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn] recalled the words he heard as a child, w...

CUNNING (교활한, 교활함)
CUNNING For several years a lawyer and a doctor had regularly played golf together. They were evenly matched, and there was a keen se...

CURE (치유(치료))
CURE The cure can sometimes be worse than the disease: In a small village in the Bornes jungle, health workers decided to spray the s...

CURIOSITY Sign in the window of an English company: We have been established for over one hundred years and have been pleasing our displeasing customers e...

COUNTERFEIT (see also FAKE) A Chinese boy who wanted to learn about jade went to study with a talented old teacher. This gentle man put a piece of ...

COURAGE One summer morning as Ray Blankenship was preparing his breakfast, he gazed out the window, and saw a small girl being swept along in the rain-flo...

COVENANT In modern times we define a host of relations by contracts. These are usually for goods or services and for hard cash. The contract, formal or in...

COVETEOUSNESS Recently I laid a small circle of poison around a hill of stinging ants. Thinking the tiny granules of poison were food, the ants began to p...

COWARD During his years as premier of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev denounced many of the policies and atrocities of Joseph Stalin. Once, as he cens...

CRAFTINESS Two brothers were getting ready to boil some eggs to color for Easter. "I'll give you a dollar if you let me break three of these on your ...

CREATIONISM The French Mathematician, Lecompte de Nouy, examined the laws of probability for a single molecule of high dissymmetry to be formed by the act...

CREATIVITY In addition to Mt. Rushmore, one of Gutzin Borglum's great works as a sculptor is the head of Lincoln in the Capitol at Washington. He cut...

CREDIBILITY There is one cardinal principle which must always be remembered: one must never make a show of false emotions to one's men. The ordinary...

CREDIT I'm just a plowhand from Arkansas, but I have learned how to hold a team together. How to lift some men up, how to calm down others, until fin...

CEO 이미지관리(10)/ 패션 감각을 높여라/ 2001-02-20
CEO 이미지관리(10)/ 패션 감각을 높여라/ 이정숙 옷차림은 말이나 표정, 태도와 마찬가지로 그 사람에 대한 정보를 모두 내포하고 있는 뚜렷...

Ctrl키 사용법/ 2015-12-03
Ctrl키 사용법 Ctrl + a: 전체선택 (혹시라도 무슨 말인지 모르시다면 지금 시도해보세요) Ctrl + b: 인터넷에서는 '자주가는 곳&...

C. S. 루이스의 초라한 죽음/ 2011-03-26
C. S. 루이스의 초라한 죽음 내가 좋아하는 기독교 작가 중 한 명인 C. S. 루이스는 35대 미국 대통령 존 F. 케네디가 암살...