


(영어)성경공부자료(English Bible Study Materials)

The Burning Bush(불타는 떨기나무)/Exodus 3 & 4(출3:,출4:)
The Burning Bush Exodus 3 & 4 Exodus 3 & 4 (NIV) tells about a conversation that God has with Moses from a ...

Baby Moses(아기 모세)/Exodus 2(출2:)
Baby Moses Exodus 2 Now the Israelites prospered and grew in population while living in Egypt. After a lo...

Israel Moves to Egypt<애굽(이집트)으로 간 이스라엘>/Genesis 46(창46:)
Israel Moves to Egypt Genesis 46 (NIV) When Jacob heard from his sons that Joseph was still alive he decided to ...

Joseph's Family Reunion(요셉의 가족 재회)/Genesis 39-41 (창39:-창41:)
Joseph's Family Reunion Genesis 39-41 (NIV) To find out what Joseph said to his brothers, when he revealed ...

Joseph in Egypt<애굽(이집트)으로 간 요셉>/Genesis 39-41(창39:-41:)
Joseph in Egypt Genesis 39-41 (NIV) Down: 2. Joseph told Pharaoh that there would be seven years ...

Joseph and His Brothers(요셉과 그의 형제들)/Genesis 37(창37:)
Joseph and His Brothers Genesis 37 (NIV) Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, had twelve sons. He showed spe...

Jacob Returns to Bethel(벧엘로 돌아온 야곱)/Genesis 35:1-19(창35:1-19)
Jacob Returns to Bethel Genesis 35:1-19 God told Jacob to go to Bethel and settle there. That is where God appear...

Jacob's Dream and Bethel(야곱의 꿈과 벧엘)/Genesis 28:10-22(창28:10-22)
Jacob's Dream and Bethel Genesis 28:10-22 While Jacob was traveling to Haran he stopped for the night to sle...

Jacob Returns Home(고향으로 돌아오는 야곱) /Genesis 32,33(창32:, 창33:)
Jacob Returns Home Genesis 32,33 Jacob's stay in Haran lasted 14 years. During this time he married Leah and...

Isaac Blesses Jacob(야곱을 축복하는 이삭)/Genesis 27:1-46(창27:1-46)
Isaac Blesses Jacob Genesis 27:1-46 NIV Read the story of how Jacob got Issac to bless him and fill in the ...

Esau and Jacob(에서와 야곱)/Genesis 25:19-34(창25:19-34 )
Esau and Jacob Genesis 25:19-34 When time passed after Rebekah and Isaac were married and Rebekah still did not ...

A Bride for Isaac(이삭을 위한 신부)/Genesis 24(창24:)
A Bride for Isaac Genesis 24 Sarah, Isaac's mother, had died, Abraham was getting older and Isaac had grown ...

God's Promise To Abraham(아브라함에게 하신 하나님의 약속) /Genesis 22:15-19(창22:15-19)
God's Promise To Abraham Genesis 22:15-19 NIV Because Abraham demonstrated complete trust in God the LORD re...

Abraham is Tested(시험 받은 아브라함)/Genesis 22:1-13(창22:1-13)
Abraham is Tested Genesis 22:1-13 NIV God kept his promise and Isaac was born to Sara. See what she said in

The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorraha(소돔과 고모라의 멸망)/Genesis 19(창19:)
The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorraha Genesis 19 NIV When the two angels arrived at Sodom Lot invited them to sp...

The Three Visitors(3명의 방문자들)
The Three Visitors Genesis 18 NIV Abraham was visited by 3 strangers and he treated them to the best he had. Whil...

God Promises Abraham a Son(아브라함에게 한 아들을 약속하신 하나님)/Genesis 17(창17:)
God Promises Abraham a Son Genesis 17 NIV When Abram was 99 years old the LORD appeared to him and said: ...

Abram Rescues Lot(롯을 구원한 아브라함)/ Genesis 14(창14:)
Abram Rescues Lot Genesis 14 NIV Lot chose to live in the rich fertile plains of Canaan near Sodom where th...

Abram and Lot(아브람과 롯)/Genesis 13:1-18(창13:1-18)
Abram and Lot Genesis 13:1-18 NIV God blessed Abraham and Lot and their flocks and herds grew. The land c...

The Call of Abram(아브람을 부르신 하나님) /Genesis 12:1-8(창12:1-8)
The Call of Abram Genesis 12:1-8 NIV God told Abram to leave his country and go to the land "__ ______ _______ _...