


(영한대역)유머자료(English to Korean Humor Materials)

높은 IQ/ 2009-09-03
높은 IQ Marilyn Vos Savant, who was once listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as having the highest measured I.Q., wr...

유레카!/ 2009-09-03
유레카! The physics professor was struggling to draw the class into a discussion of Archimedes' principle. He told the stu...

구조조정/ 2009-09-21
구조조정 A Japanese company and an American company had a boat race: the Japanese won by a mile. The Americans hired analysts t...

교수-과학자-정부관리/ 2009-09-18
교수-과학자-정부관리 A wealthy man lay critically ill. "There's only one thing that will save you," his doctor said. "...

동성애/ 2009-07-21
동성애 An escaped convict broke into a house and tied up a young couple who had been sleeping in the bedroom. As...

재미없는 마누라/ 2009-07-02
재미없는 마누라 A manufacturer's technician was in a small town, repairing some new specialized machinery, when his trip was...

웨이트리스/ 2009-09-17
웨이트리스 A man eating breakfast in a coffee shop was sitting next to a fellow who had his coffee and doughnut but no spoon.

많은 보험금/ 2009-09-16
많은 보험금 I am the administrator of a company's benefits package. One day an employee approached me to find out how much...

겁 주는 목사/ 2009-09-22
겁 주는 목사 An impassioned minister was visiting a country church and began his address with a sturring reminder:"Everybody in...

골칫거리/ 2009-08-23
골칫거리 A man went to the doctor complaining of insomnia. The doctor gave him a thorough examination, found absol...

아시아의 자존심/ 2009-08-21
아시아의 자존심 Years ago during drug awareness class at my school in Los Angels, we evaluated our self-esteem by answering q...

영악한 마누라/ 2009-08-20
영악한 마누라 Two men were talking in the pub about their forthcoming holidays. "I'm taking my wife on an Af...

복덕방/ 2009-09-14
복덕방 At the weekly real-estate evaluation meetings, members discuss all their current listings. The virtues of each property...

버리고 올 놈들/ 2009-09-14
버리고 올 놈들 Ahead of me in line at San Francisco's Pier 41 waiting to purchase tickets for a boat trip to Alcatraz was a...

한 달 수입/ 2009-09-11
한 달 수입 The man is a successful cardiologist, but his busy practice and long hours left his wife with a lot of spare time....

하나님과 베드로의 골프 게임/ 2009-09-09
하나님과 베드로의 골프 게임 God and St. Peter are playing a round of golf. On the first hole God drives into the water. The water...

정상적 감각기능/ 2009-09-09
정상적 감각기능 If your senses are working normally, you can - Feel on your fingertips or face a pressure that ...

가족간 학벌싸움/ 2009-09-08
가족간 학벌싸움 School rivalry sometimes reared its head the family, because the housewife was an alumna of the University of...

비장한 결심/ 2009-08-09
비장한 결심 Attempting to tee off, a golfer misses the ball altogether. Red-faced, he looks up at his caddie and mumbles, "Oo...

다음 사람/ 2009-08-07
다음 사람 When I was younger I hated going to weddings. It seemed that all of my aunts and the grandmotherly relatives used to ...