


(영한대역)유머자료(English to Korean Humor Materials)

Birthday Wishes(생일 소원)/ 2006-01-12
Birthday Wishes Break Time A couple had been married for 25 years and was celebrating the husband\'s 60th birthd...

간통(Adultery)/ 2013-10-21
간통(Adultery) The preacher was exhorting his flock on the evil of adultery. “Let me make this perfectly clear. So ...

건의함(Suggestion Box)/ 2013-12-21
건의함(Suggestion Box) Hank and George noticed in the office that someone had put up a suggestion box. The suggestion box had an en...

섹스관련 통계(Sexual Statistics)/ 2013-12-20
섹스관련 통계(Sexual Statistics) A businessman boards a flight and is lucky enough to be seated next to an absolutely gorgeous woman. They exchange brief he...

장모(Mother-in-Law)/ 2013-12-18
장모(Mother-in-Law) A newlywed farmer and his wife were visited by her mother, who immediately demanded an inspection of the place....

사냥꾼(Hunter)/ 2013-12-18
사냥꾼(Hunter) Two guys are hunting. George has never gone hunting while Joe has hunted all his life. When they get to the woods, J...

피곤한 주부(Tired Wife)/ 2013-12-17
피곤한 주부(Tired Wife) A husband and wife are getting ready to go to bed. The husband says, “I thought we’d have s...

할머니 유방 - Grandma's Breasts
할머니 유방 - Grandma's Breasts 기사본문 SNS댓글 쓰기

미국 배우들 뭐라고 하나?(US Entertainers Say)/ 2013-12-12
미국 배우들 뭐라고 하나?(US Entertainers Say) -“According to a new survey, women say they feel more comfortable undressing in f...

여성관련 정보(Facts about Women)/ 2013-12-13
여성관련 정보(Facts about Women) -Women are paid less than men, except for one field: Modeling. -Women love to talk ...

우리를 곤혹스럽게 하는 것들(Things That Bother Us)/ 2013-12-13
우리를 곤혹스럽게 하는 것들(Things That Bother Us) -Three hours and three meetings after lunch you look in the mirror and discov...

어째서?(Why?)/ 2013-12-16
어째서? - Why? -If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes? -Why did suicidal Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?...

친절한 사람(Samaritan)/ 2013-12-23
친절한 사람(Samaritan) The dinner speaker was in such a hurry to get to his engagement that when he arrived and sat at the head tab...

정치하는 사람 - Politician
정치하는 사람 - Politician 기사본문 SNS댓글 쓰기

돌고 도는 것 - Money Goes Round
돌고 도는 것 - Money Goes Round 기사본문 SNS댓글 쓰기

고민하는 사나이 A Man in Agony
고민하는 사나이 A Man in Agony 기사본문 SNS댓글 쓰기

인생상담 - Dear Abby
인생상담 - Dear Abby 기사본문 SNS댓글 쓰기

여자는 영리해 - Women are Cagier
여자는 영리해 - Women are Cagier 기사본문 SNS댓글 쓰기

여자 치과의사 - Woman Dentist
여자 치과의사 - Woman Dentist 기사본문 SNS댓글 쓰기

관료사회 - Bureaucracy
관료사회 - Bureaucracy 기사본문 SNS댓글 쓰기