


(영한대역)유머자료(English to Korean Humor Materials)

몰라보게 달라진 노인/ 2009-08-03
몰라보게 달라진 노인 Ninety-year-old Sam bought a hairpiece, had a face lift and worked out at the gym for six months. Then he...

의사 자녀의 교육비/ 2009-08-03
의사 자녀의 교육비 A fellow went to his doctor for a yearly examination. After consulting the X rays, EKG and charts, the phys...

봐서는 안 될 것/ 2009-07-31
봐서는 안 될 것 There was a little boy who was curious about what a strip club was like. So one day he sneaked into one. ...

고생길/ 2009-07-30
고생길 Things you never hear when you are traveling: - We're arriving way ahead of time. - I&...

남자의 마음/ 2009-07-28
남자의 마음 Counselor:"What first attracted you to this woman?" Bachelor:"Her forthrightness,straightforwardness an...

소재 파악/ 2009-07-28
소재 파악 A customer at my teller's window was grumbling about the low interest rate on his savings account. ...

의사의 호기심/ 2009-07-26
의사의 호기심 A man goes to a shrink and complains, "Doctor, you've got to help me. My beautiful wife is unfaithful to ...

AIDS~ADIDAS/ 2009-06-30
AIDS~ADIDAS A woman is picked up by a traveling basket player in a bar. They like each other and she goes with him to his hotel...

앙숙(feud)/ 2009-06-29
앙숙(feud) Two sisters kept up a feud for 30 years. On Mary's 70th birthday, Alice felt pang of remorse, but it passed. Yet...

정액 검사(sperm count)/ 2009-06-26
정액 검사(sperm count) There was an elderly man who wanted to make his young wife pregnant. So, he went to the d...

구출 우선순위/ 2009-07-23
구출 우선순위 Two ladies were on a flight when suddenly the captain announced, "Please prepare for a crash landing."

농부와 목사/ 2009-07-22
농부와 목사 A clergyman walking down a country lane sees a young farmer struggling to load hay back onto a cart after it had fa...

동성애/ 2009-07-21
동성애 An escaped convict broke into a house and tied up a young couple who had been sleeping in the bedroom. As...

명령 복종/ 2009-07-20
명령 복종 A new American elementary school was raising the American flag for the first time. To make the day special, the school i...

하나님 웃기기/ 2009-07-16
하나님 웃기기 - Q: How can you make God laugh? A: Tell Him your plans for the future. - There's alw...

가격파괴 My husband and I were both fascinated one day to see a hair-salon chain offering $10 haircuts. "How could...

아빠의 키스/ 2009-07-14
아빠의 키스 It was my father's habit to kiss my baby brother before leaving for work. If he ever forgot, Charlie would scream...

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남녀유별 - Difference between Boys and Girls
남녀유별 - Difference between Boys and Girls 기사본문 SNS댓글 쓰기