(영어)성경공부자료(English Bible Study Materials)
- The Burning Bush(불타는 떨기나무)/Exodus 3 & 4(출3:,출4:)
- The Burning Bush
Exodus 3 & 4
Exodus 3 & 4 (NIV) tells about a conversation that God has with
Moses from a ...
- Baby Moses(아기 모세)/Exodus 2(출2:)
- Baby Moses
Exodus 2
Now the Israelites prospered and grew in population while living in Egypt. After
a lo...
- Israel Moves to Egypt<애굽(이집트)으로 간 이스라엘>/Genesis 46(창46:)
- Israel Moves to Egypt
Genesis 46 (NIV)
When Jacob heard from his sons that Joseph was still alive he decided to ...
- Joseph's Family Reunion(요셉의 가족 재회)/Genesis 39-41 (창39:-창41:)
- Joseph's Family Reunion
Genesis 39-41 (NIV)
To find out what Joseph said to his brothers, when he revealed ...
- Joseph in Egypt<애굽(이집트)으로 간 요셉>/Genesis 39-41(창39:-41:)
- Joseph in Egypt
Genesis 39-41 (NIV)
2. Joseph told Pharaoh that there would be seven years ...
- Joseph and His Brothers(요셉과 그의 형제들)/Genesis 37(창37:)
- Joseph and His Brothers
Genesis 37 (NIV)
Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, had twelve sons. He showed spe...
- Jacob Returns to Bethel(벧엘로 돌아온 야곱)/Genesis 35:1-19(창35:1-19)
- Jacob Returns to Bethel
Genesis 35:1-19
God told Jacob to go to Bethel and settle there. That is where God appear...
- Jacob's Dream and Bethel(야곱의 꿈과 벧엘)/Genesis 28:10-22(창28:10-22)
- Jacob's Dream and Bethel
Genesis 28:10-22
While Jacob was traveling to Haran he stopped for the night to sle...
- Jacob Returns Home(고향으로 돌아오는 야곱) /Genesis 32,33(창32:, 창33:)
- Jacob Returns Home
Genesis 32,33
Jacob's stay in Haran lasted 14 years. During this time he married Leah and...
- Isaac Blesses Jacob(야곱을 축복하는 이삭)/Genesis 27:1-46(창27:1-46)
- Isaac Blesses Jacob
Genesis 27:1-46 NIV
Read the story of how Jacob got Issac to bless him
and fill in the ...
- Esau and Jacob(에서와 야곱)/Genesis 25:19-34(창25:19-34 )
- Esau and Jacob
Genesis 25:19-34
When time passed after Rebekah and Isaac were married and Rebekah still did not ...
- A Bride for Isaac(이삭을 위한 신부)/Genesis 24(창24:)
- A Bride for Isaac
Genesis 24
Sarah, Isaac's mother, had died, Abraham was getting older and Isaac had grown ...
- God's Promise To Abraham(아브라함에게 하신 하나님의 약속) /Genesis 22:15-19(창22:15-19)
- God's Promise To Abraham
Genesis 22:15-19 NIV
Because Abraham demonstrated complete trust in God the LORD re...
- Abraham is Tested(시험 받은 아브라함)/Genesis 22:1-13(창22:1-13)
- Abraham is Tested
Genesis 22:1-13 NIV
God kept his promise and Isaac was born to Sara. See what she said in
- The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorraha(소돔과 고모라의 멸망)/Genesis 19(창19:)
- The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorraha
Genesis 19 NIV
When the two angels arrived at Sodom Lot invited them to sp...
- The Three Visitors(3명의 방문자들)
- The Three Visitors
Genesis 18 NIV
Abraham was visited by 3 strangers and he treated them to the best he had. Whil...
- God Promises Abraham a Son(아브라함에게 한 아들을 약속하신 하나님)/Genesis 17(창17:)
- God Promises Abraham a Son
Genesis 17 NIV
When Abram was 99 years old the LORD appeared to him and said:
- Abram Rescues Lot(롯을 구원한 아브라함)/ Genesis 14(창14:)
- Abram Rescues Lot
Genesis 14 NIV
Lot chose to live in the rich fertile plains of Canaan near
Sodom where th...
- Abram and Lot(아브람과 롯)/Genesis 13:1-18(창13:1-18)
- Abram and Lot
Genesis 13:1-18 NIV
God blessed Abraham and Lot and their flocks and herds grew.
The land c...
- The Call of Abram(아브람을 부르신 하나님) /Genesis 12:1-8(창12:1-8)
- The Call of Abram
Genesis 12:1-8 NIV
God told Abram to leave his country and go to the land "__ ______ _______ _...