(영어)성경공부자료(English Bible Study Materials)
- Tower of Babel(바벨탑)/Genisis 11:1-9(창11:1-9)
- Tower of Babel
Genisis 11:1-9 NIV
The LORD said, let Us go down there and confuse their language so that they ma...
- God’s Covenant With Noah(하나님과 노아의 언약)/ Genesis 9:12-16(창9:12-16)
- God’s Covenant With Noah
9 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. 2 The fear and dread...
- The Flood(홍수)/Genesis 6 - 8(창6: - 창8: )
- The Flood
Genesis 6 - 8 NIV
2. It was 150 days before the ark came to rest on Mount _________....
- Cain and Abel(가인과 아벨)/Genesis 4:1-26(창4:1-26)
- Cain and Abel
Genesis 4:1-26
2. Cain was a ___________. He raised crops.
3. God showe...
- The Serpent’s Lie(뱀의 거짓말)/Genesis 3:1-15(창3:1-15)/영어 설교 보기92 그림 참조
- The Serpent’s Lie
Genesis 3:1-15 NIV
Use the words from the Word list to fill in the blanks in the story.
- The Creative Days(창조하신 6일간)/ Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-2(창1:1-31, 창2:1-2)/ 영어설교/ 2015-03-23
- The Creative Days
Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:1-2
“in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”
The b...
- The Story Of God's Book Part 2(하나님의 책 이야기 제2부)
- The Story Of God's Book Part 2
THE story, "The World's Most Wonderful Baby," and all our stories which f...
- John Sees Trees Of Life (생명나무들을 본 요한)/ Revelations 22:2(계22:2)
- John Sees Trees Of Life
Revelations 22:2(계22:2)
IN THE second story of this book, called ”At Home in a Garden...
- From Jerusalem To Rome(예루살렘에서 로마로)/행23:11
- From Jerusalem To Rome
PAUL was a faithful servant of God, and a true disciple of Jesus. He traveled from place to pla...
- Paul Preaches On Mars’ Hill(아레오바고 언덕에서 설교하는 바울)/ Acts 17:22(행17:22)
- Paul Preaches On Mars’ Hill(아레오바고 언덕에서 설교하는 바울)
Acts 17:22(행17:22)
AFTER Saul of Tarsus became one of Jesus\&...
- Peter's Strange Dream(베드로의 이상한 꿈)/행10:9-
GOD loved Peter because he tried so very hard to do everything God wanted him to do. Peter ...
- A Parisee Changes His Mind(개종한 한 바리새인)/행22:7
HAVE already told you about the scribes and Pharisees. They were the religious rulers of t...
- A Young Believer Stoned(돌에 맞아 순교한 젊은 집사)/행7:59
MORE and more of the Israelites believed that Jesus was the One whom God had sent to make all ...
- The Sin of Lying(거짓말한 죄)/행5:1
- The Sin of Lying
WHAT do you think should be done with a man and his wife who told a lie to one of Jesus' discipl...
- A Lame Man Made Well (고침 받은 앉은뱅이)/행3:6
- A Lame Man Made Well
PETER was a good man! He was always ready to do what God wanted him to do. A short time after th...
- God's Power Comes(하나님의 능력이 임하리라)/행1:8
JUST before Jesus left his apostles and returned to his heavenly home, he told them to wait at ...
- The Great Victory (위대한 승리)/마28:6
- The Great Victory
PAUL was a faithful servant of God, and a true disciple of Jesus. He traveled from place to place te...
- The Lamb of God(하나님의 어린 양)
THE Bible tells us that the Prophet John, who baptized Jesus in the river Jordan, was the forerunner o...
- The Mighty Works of Jesus(예수님의 놀라운 사역)
- The Mighty Works of Jesus
WONDER if you have ever seen a blind man? If you see a blind man trying to walk across the ...
- Jesus wouldn't do wrong(예수님은 옳지 않은 일을 하지 않으려고 하셨습니다)
- Jesus wouldn't do wrong
JESUS always did what God wanted him to do! Satan the devil tried to make Jesus do thing...