


(영어)성경공부자료(English Bible Study Materials)

Preparing The Way For Jesus(예수님을 위한 길을 예비하기)
Preparing The Way For Jesus THE time had come when the people of Israel were to have a more wonderful experience than ...

NEW TESTAMENT STORIES(신약 성경 이야기)/The Most Important Baby(가장 중요한 아기)
NEW TESTAMENT STORIES The Most Important Baby SOME people think that when George Washington was born he was the...

The Story of God's Book Part 1(하나님의 책 이야기 제1부)
The Story of God's Book Part 1 ONE of the most wonderful stories of all is the story of God's Book. I want ...

In The Stomach Of A Fish(물고기 뱃속에서)
In The Stomach Of A Fish JONAH was a servant of God who was a good man and loved God, but not well enough to obey him...

In A Den Of Lions(사자굴 속에서)
In A Den Of Lions HAVE you ever heard anyone say, "Dare to be a Daniel"? Daniel always did the things which were plea...

In A Fiery Furnace(맹렬히 타오르는 풀무 불 속에서)
In A Fiery Furnace WHEN the king of Babylon captured the king of Israel and made the Israelites captives in Babylon, t...

A King Who Ate Grass(풀을 뜯어먹고 산 왕)
A King Who Ate Grass A KING WHO ATE GRASS KING SAUL was the first king to rule over the children...

A Child Brought Back To Life(죽었다가 다시 살아난 아이)
A Child Brought Back To Life ONE of the small cities in the land of Israel was called Shunem.There lived in this city ...

A Prophet's Prayers Answered(응답받은 선지자의 기도)
A Prophet's Prayers Answered THIS story is about a wonderful man whose name was Elijah. Elijah was a man who ser...

The Wisest Man and A King(가장 지혜로운 사람과 왕)
The Wisest Man and A King NOW I want to tell you about another king who ruled over the children of Israel—a king...

A King Is Fooled(어리석은 짓을 한 왕)
A King Is Fooled IN TELLING you the story of the shepherd boy David who became king of Israel, I mentioned that King...

A Shepherd Boy Is Made King(왕이 된 양치기 소년)
A Shepherd Boy Is Made King YOU probably remember my story of the young man Joseph who was sold into slavery in Egypt a...

A Boy Who Was Given To God(하나님께 바쳐진 소년)
A Boy Who Was Given To God THERE was a very good Hebrew woman who loved God and wanted to serve him, but she was sorrow...

An Army That Was Too Large(너무나 큰 군대)
An Army That Was Too Large DID you ever hear of the Commander in Chief of an army who told one of his generals to send...

Crossing the River Jordan(요단 강 건너기)
Crossing the River Jordan MOSES had a wonderful life. Do you remember how God saved him from the river Nile when he was...

Spying Out The Land(땅 정탐하기)
Spying Out The Land THE children of Israel remained in the vicinity of the mountain called Sinai for some time while th...

Building a House for God(하나님의 성막 세우기)
Building a House for God THE Law which God wanted the Israelites to obey was written by him and given to Moses ...

God Gives Laws to His People(자기 백성에게 율법을 주시는 하나님)
God Gives Laws to His People NOW that the Hebrews were out of the land of Egypt and separated from other people, it wa...

Crossing the Red Sea(홍해 건너기)
Crossing the Red Sea IF YOU were going somewhere and there were two ways to go one a very easy way, and the other ve...

The Last Night In Egypt<애굽(이집트)에서의 마지막 날 밤>
The Last Night In Egypt IN OUR last story we learned that Pharaoh, the wicked king of Egypt, was finally...